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Amplitude modulation uses the instantaneous amplitude of a modulating signal (voice, music, data, etc.) to directly vary the amplitude of a carrier signal. Modulation index, m, is used to describe the ratio of maximum voltage to minimum voltage in the modulated signal. If the modulating signal is equal in magnitude to the carrier, then m = 1 and the modulated signal varies from a scaled maximum of unity down to zero (see figure below). When m = 0, no modulation of the carrier is performed. If m is greater than 1, the carrier is actually cut off for some period of time, and unwanted harmonics are created at the transmitter output.

In the frequency domain, the carrier frequency is flanked on both sides by mirror image copies of the modulating signal.         wM1 = wc ± wm1, wM2 = wc ± wm2

AM General Equation

Let the carrier be xc(t) = Xc·cos (wct),
and the modulating signal be
xm(t) = Xm·cos (
Then x(t) = Xc·[1+m·cos (wmt)]·cos (wct)

Modulation Index

m =

Vmax - Vmin
Vmax + Vmin
In the following examples, the carrier frequency is eleven time the modulation frequency. Red (dashed) lines represent the modulation envelope. Blue (solid) lines represent the modulated carrier.

100% Modulation 

Here, the maximum voltage (Vmax) is 2 V and the minimum (Vmin) is 0 V. From the modulation index formula:

m =

2 - 0
2 + 0

= 1.0

50% Modulation 

Here, the maximum voltage (Vmax) is 3 V and the minimum (Vmin) is 1 V. From the modulation index formula:

m =

3 - 1
3 + 1

= 0.5

25% Modulation 

Here, the maximum voltage (Vmax) is 1.25 V and the minimum (Vmin) is 0.75 V. From the modulation index formula:

m =

1.25 - 0.75
1.25 + 0.75

= 0.25

150% Modulation 

Here, the maximum voltage (Vmax) is 2.5 V and the minimum (Vmin) is -0.5 V. From the modulation index formula:

m =

2.5 - (-0.5)
2.5 + (-0.5)

= 1.5
Class Conduction Angle Maximum Efficiency
A 360º 25%
AB > 180º, << 360º ---
B 180º 78.5%
C > 0º, < 180º ---